Vocabulary study-after an 8 minute intensive study with a partner, students took a couple of quizlets. It was pretty amazing how well classmates have moved these words from the unknown to the known. Certainly by the end of next week we'll be into list #9.
Return journal entries-I returned a set of writings that disappointed me. I could not get across to students the finer points of journal writing, the looking inward aspect compared to the telling of an interesting story. They look much the same on paper, but they are fundamentally different. Maybe there is something about the early adolescent mind that makes introspection a stretch.
Letter writing-a fictitious letter from my father to his widowed mother during World War II served as an example of the elements of a personal written correspondence. A mix of news, historical information, is included with information and questions that are particularly personal. Next week we'll compose letters for grandparents, making every effort to get the mix right.
Library visitation-we were able to get to the library for a quick exchange of reading material for the weekend.
Homework-submit printed vocabulary list, all 80 words and definitions.