Saturday, September 5, 2009

Week Four

Wow to week four. If the sixth grade picnic wasn't enough, on Wednesday we had an earthquake that seriously moved the ground at campus.

At 2.55 everything began to move. I was still in Q2 talking with a couple of teachers. Students were on their way home, at various stages of boarding buses. Some missed the show, but many reported dramatic movement. Those already seated on buses described the vehicle being rocked side to side as if students were playing a prank.

Fortunately no one on campus was injured and there was only minimal building damage. The news from central Java was not so good, though, with scores dead and much property damage. Living on the Ring of Fire can be perilous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Is this Michael Hughes, the Alama College graduate? I was worried about you and Helen after hearing about the earthquake. Are you okay?

Good to have found you.

Sedley Hall