Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Modern Day William Tell

The White Mountains-Will discovers more about those who are caring for him. He is slowly seduced by what appears their opulent lifestyle supplied by the Tripods. Will he escape this temptation?
Mystery stories-students chose which two pages to receive the highest level teacher editing. Sixers looked for the parts of their stories that seemed particularly well written.
The Giver-we began our last big English unit, the study of the giver. Not only will English skills be developed, but we will be contrasting the governmental styles evident in The Giver, Hunger Games, and The White Mountains.
Tech exploration-we've defined words by using pictures, but can you define words using sounds? That was our area of discovery today. Some successes claimed, some frustrations experienced. Let's see where this goes.

1) finish letter to grade 5 buddy
2) read 20 minutes

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