Train Go Sorry by Leah Cohen has given me so much insight into the deaf scene, particularly in New York City. There is so much to comprehend, but one concept that continually comes to the front is community. The deaf are relatively few in number, so when they can find each other, particularly in a school setting, good things usually happen.
Everything Ms. Cohen has said leads me to believe the time I'm spending to access this community is time well spent. I will be richer for my efforts.
I wish I could meet Ms. Cohen.
hey mr hughes. Its dan your most lovable student!! haha joking. by the way just sayin it was fun having you as a teacher in 6th grade. Just wanted to check up on the old blogs i did. Pretty cool what i wrote! haha.
oh n by the way me n will saw you running in bukit golf!
Hey Mr. Hughes,its Matthew.
I'm back on blogger because I have to make a blog for art. Ben is still continuing signing club and Tobin has a new translator. But you probably know all that. 7th grade Mr. Hughes isn't as nice as you.
From Matthew.
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