The last couple of days I've been trying to get some exercise into my life, and found walking to accomplish errands I'd formerly driven to has had unexpected benefits. Yesterday was a perfect example.
To transit to

a local mall involves at best the same route I've taken for years, and at the worst, pretty ugly traffic congestion. Walking a different path awakened me to a cityscape that actually looked small, almost rural. The pic at left shows what I mean. The air was warm, but this was a very quiet,

peaceful neighborhood surrounded on four sides by busy urban thoroughfares.
Around several corners ahead I head what I thought was a wedding. Amplified singing on the weekend often indicates such social occasions. As I turned a corner, here was this young lady, all by herself, serenading the neighborhood for tips. I contributed, which granted me the opportunity for this pic, and moved on.
Neither of the above parts to my day would have occurred had I taken the car.
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