Thursday, October 22, 2009

Beautiful Leaves, Film School Buzz

Nadia, Hyun Jin, Nathan, Nadia, Young Woo, Gillian and Zoe. You've all posted entries this holiday week. Be sure to visit the blogs of each other and leave interesting comments about their entries. You know how good it feels to read comments on your work. Special note: see the videos put up by Gillian and Zoe. Penguins + a rock star. :-)

Today I was walking along the curb in Vancouver and was absentmindedly working with my camera. One moment the lens came on, and down below my feet was the most beautiful view of colored leaves that have fallen from the trees. They would qualify as rubbish, I guess, but how truly beautiful they were.

This morning I sat in the student lounge of the Vancouver Film School. I was casually reading a book, waiting for Bindu to finish her business, when the students went on break. Immediately I was surrounded by young men and women abuzz with their projects. I could only catch snippits of conversation, but it was not about the words being said. It was about the excitement the students had for their projects. I want to make a special effort to view their work once they post their film festival on YouTube. If they are as good as I think they will be, I'll show them to the sixers.

I'm almost over jet lag, just in time to suffer it again in the other direction.

1 comment:

Ms Schwarzkopf said...

Thank you for the leaves! I miss them.