Writing-New year's resolutions was the topic, commitment is the issue. :-) Each student worked on the basics of fluency, organization and mechanics. For some resolutions are real, for others less so. It's sixth grade.
Vocabulary review-each class reviewed their 10 words, not easy words at all this week.
Reading workshop-students spent time with their novels of choice. At the end of the reading session we rated the books, and once again, sixers rate books of their choosing very, very high.
1. Read two times
2. Be ready with grandparent info on Tuesday
Greetings all,
My name is Mr. Narayan. I am currently working as the IT Coordinator in the middle school at Taipei American School. I look forward to reading your posts because I am fortunate enough to have been hired by JIS for next year. That's right I will have the pleasure of meeting you and starting a digital journey with you as you go through the middle school at JIS.
All the best
Mr. Narayan
Mr.Hughes,you made a mistake when you wrote 'student' you better check it
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