While my goal is to write about our travels through India, today must be about a very special event, the arrival of my only granddaughter. This is the one day of my life this has taken place and I'm humbled by the knowledge of her presence. For sure it will be Marc and Julia's full time responsibility, but I will know her well and cherish following her story, her journey.
Isabella was due the 11th of December, but held us in suspense. She stalled, waited and teased us. Finally the doctors had to take the cesarean route and she had no choice.
Caiden was very much involved with the arrival of his sister, and has quickly became quite the big brother. Bindu and I are wondering if he realizes Isabella is soon to leave the hospital, arrive at his home and share his space. We will meet Isabella in July and we are already starting the countdown till that day arrives.
Aww! Shes so cute! Isabellas a nice name! Woah, a week overdue!Is she alright? Brandon was born PREmature, he says he turned blue.
Brandon turned blue. I'm not going to comment on that, Val. :-)
Isabella is a very pretty name, I agree.
Thanks for the comment. I've got some interesting stories to tell in the posts. Thank you for checking in.
She is sooo adorable!! it must feel great to see a newborn at thes start...I never have...I've only seen them cry once they got home haha
I hope that she's ok! one week is a long time to wait. I was 7 weeks early and it scared my parents as well, but it turned out fine. I'm sure she will as well.
- Maya
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