While the result was good in that regard, initial recovery from the surgery itself has been a little slow. This morning Bharat was very weak, even quite breathless on a limited walk in the hall. He came back and took to the bed and was breathless, sweaty and quite unsteady from the exertion. It was a little sobering watching him try to get back to his former self. By late this afternoon, though Bharat seemed to have turned the corner and indicators were moving in the right direction. Before we left the hospital at 9.00 this evening, he really was gaining strength almost by the minute. He slid into bed tired, but much more his own self. This is a completely good result now.
We are all so grateful to begin the holiday with such a positive result.
Wow! My grandma also had a similar surgery in the lungs. Only it was cancer. Also, my grandma was 72 when she had her surgery, not 80.
Val, today he had the tubes removed. Some pain, but still tubeless.
Could have been cancer, but was not.
And how's your grandma now?
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