5 June 2010, a day unlike no other. I closed the door to Q2 for the last time, closing off 22 years to the JIS experience. Though the picture is of a smiling former faculty member, certainly the heart has mixed, jumbled emotions. So, so many wonderful students have come in one door, then out the other. So many positive parents have visited to view their children's work and discuss successes and how to achieve even more.
I am a very, very lucky person to have experienced this for so long.
goodbye mr.h we'll miss u
Mr. Hughes's we'll miss you so so so so so so so so so so so much!!! Thanks for making my 6th grade year, a dream!!! I remember when we went to the P-1 lab, to create our blogs. I still have a very clear memory of that! Thank you for everything!!!!
I am going to remember you for the rest of my life!!!! When ever i use my mac i will always feel a part of you and how you helped me get it! This has been a dream year for me and i am really sad that it had to end! :( Please come and visit and i will REALLY miss you SO much!!!! Luv you SO much!!!
Kayleigh :)
Oh and by the way mr hughes...
i'll be doing blogs over the summer.
since i just sometimes go on my computer most of the time, so why not.
Hey Mr. Hughes!
We'll miss you tons! There'll never be any other teacher like you! You made 6th grade a very special year!
We'll miss you Mr. Hughes !! You were such a good teacher ! Thanks for giving me a great year ! :)
we will miss u SO much mr. Hughes!!!!!!
sorry havent been on lately singapore no connection~
Oh no!!! You're leaving Q2. Visit us often. We'll miss you sooo soooo sooo soo sooo 100x much.
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